beanie and the jets


OOTD - On Wednesdays we wear Pink.

So, this is a quick post on one of my favourite outfits I wore last week and you guessed it, it was PINK! In true spirit I joined the boys and girls of the world celebrating the 10th anniversary of Mean Girls albeit a little late but I still took part.

If my friends are reading this (which they should be!) they are probably sat wondering how I came to a decision on which of my many pink items of clothing I would wear. My answer to them, it was simple (ish). As it was mid-week and my outfit had to be office-friendly. It would need to be quite smart, but I wanted to keep the fun and playful-ness of my personality whilst throwing in a huge salute to the bitchiness of the film itself and to the personalities of its many loved characters.

I was going to go for bright-pink and mo-hair, however for me that, like totally screams CLUELESS! So I opted for softer colours. I bought a brand new dusky pink jumper from Primark. I do love this jumper however I bought it a little too big so it’s a little saggy now around the bottom. I can still wear it but it doesn’t look as good with a shirt underneath anymore because it doesn’t hold tight in the right places. For the price of the jumper I’m not going to grumble, the material quality is lovely and I absolutely love the style. The short sleeves are the cutest and the detail around the neckline is glam-o-rous!

In complete homage to Regina, Kady, Gretchen and Karen I doubled up by wearing my lovely pink heart shirt from New Look underneath. I wouldn’t usually wear pink on pink but because of the elbow-length sleeves on my jumper my arms were on show and broke up the colours. They didn’t clash and the outfit didn’t seem too bubblegum, Barbie-girl. Also, by doubling up there was no way on this earth I would be told I couldn’t sit with anybody that day.

Rather than wear prissy, pink courts and light blue jeggings I opted for black leggings and black cut-out boots just to throw the outfit off a little. You could say the bottom half of my outfit (bag included) was very much inspired by Janis. A little edgy and a little rebellious.   

In true bitch-style I went for a powerful red lipstick and thick, dark brows. I thought seen as how I’d pretty much incorporated my favourite aspects from the film into my outfit, the bitchiness I’d depict via my make up. Keeping the eyes nude, primed only with my Kiko eye primer, my Lady Danger painted lips popped with power. My hair tied back in a super-preppy high-school plait, I was most definitely ready to enjoy my day the mean girls way.

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  1. Love those boots, where are they from??

    1. Hey Lumes. Long story (I'll make it short). Got these in January, I saw the pair I wanted in River Island for £75, went to buy them and they'd sold out of my size in Manchester. You know how impatient I am so I wasn't about to order online or travel to London like last time. So I decided to go to the Arndale Market (Ajavani) and bagged these babies for £20!! I wear them most days and sometimes for after work drinks with cute drop waist dresses. The cheaper shoe shops are definitely worth a try sometimes. Probably my best winter buy.


  2. Those boots are GORGEOUS!!

    1. Thanks Ruby Roo :) Can you believe they are from one of those cheapo shops?! They've lasted so long too x x
