beanie and the jets


Bootea Teatox - Review

It's been two weeks since I finished my two week Bootea Teatox. I wanted to start some kind of detox in order to get me back on track with my healthy eating. I had also become quite groggy over the last few weeks, my mood hadn't been great and my skin was terrible. I don't have a problem with healthy eating and it's something I really enjoy. I just found I wasn't trying as hard as I once had and the effects of my early mornings, late nights and crazy diet were showing. I needed something to give me that little kick-start back to where I was.
I have to be extra careful with what I put into my body as even the most natural of ingredients can become quite harmful when living with PCOS. I checked out two other brands to find out what ingredients they contained, how they would help me and quite obviously to read up on any real-life reviews. I couldn't find much information on either of the first two which then led me to Bootea's official website. I read up the ingredients, researching the pro's and cons of each. So far I was happy with what I seeing so I decided to give it a go. I took a visit to the website and didn't struggle to find exactly what I was looking for. The information on how it works and the results! The Bootea Twitter page contains lots of before and after images which was perfect for me and a great selling point. I do however think it's easy to go one way or the other with the amount of photo's on the Twitter page and  I did actually read a blog post with someone questioning whether people had been paid to endorse the brand, the blogger also wondered why there were so many positive reviews and hardly any negative. Now I have tried and tested the Teatox myself the answer is simple it's because it works! Maybe not for everyone but definitely for me.

The Teatox cost me just £20.00 excluding P&P, I had also managed to get 20% off. For this price I would be getting 14 daytime teabags and 7 night-time. The idea is to drink the morning tea daily for 14 days and a for the nighttime tea, one every other night. For the duration of the Teatox you are required to stay away from meat, dairy, caffeine and alcohol. You can purchase a meal plan from Bootea for £2.99, which I chose not to just because there are certain foods I wanted to introduce myself to whilst doing the Teatox, foods that are good for women dealing with PCOS, so because I already tailored healthy eating plan to suit me I felt I wouldn't get the most from the Bootea plan and opted out. However if eating well is something you struggle with and you want to make sure the Teatox really works for you I would definitely order the eating plan.

My package arrived very quickly, I ordered on the Sunday night and it arrived on the Tuesday morning, I started the following morning. The tea itself is really quite tasty (bare in mind I am a tea enthusiast), the bag smells quite earthy but don't let that put you off, it is a nice, refreshing start to the day. The nighttime bag is the one people seemed to worry about the most as it contains natural Senna which can have a laxative effect, there is however a  warning on the packaging which states this can take up to 8 hours after drinking to take effect. I personally only experienced a few 'issues' nothing too dramatic, no pain just a bit of a tummy rumble and an urge to make like a Queen and glitter (that's the only way I can phrase it without sounding awful lol).

After the first few days I automatically felt so much better. My skin began to clear up and although I was still getting up early I just felt so refreshed and energised. I didn't get that horrible lethargic feeling I used to get, especially at work which would usually hit me around 11am and then again at 2/3pm. My cravings were curbed and more to the point no more coffee! For breakfast I would have porridge or soya and linseed toast with peanut butter and honey, for lunch I would make yummy Moroccan salads (I'll add the recipe for this over the next day or two) or soup and for dinner I'd have stuffed peppers or tuna and spinach with avocado. Snacking was easier than I thought, I'd always have a piece of fruit with me mostly blueberries, Pink Lady apples or a Banana. I'd keep cashews and raisins on my desk and if I fancied something sweet I'd bring a square of my super tasty homemade oat bars, again I will add the recipe for this too. I did break the plan once having roast chicken with the skin off with one of my meals. But with regular exercise (poledance and yoga) over the two weeks I managed to shift 6lbs.

Now, my reason for leaving it nearly two weeks after my Teatox to post was to report back on how I'm doing now. Since completing my two weeks I am now around 8lbs down and heading into a whole new stone on the scales. I still exercise regularly and in addition to pole dancing and yoga I have re-joined the gym. I have been on two nights out, two very tame nights out so my alcohol intake is at an all-time low and I have been able (with ease) to limit myself to no more than two cocktails. I have re-introduced meat although it isn't with every meal and as a part-time vegetarian I'm having red meat no more than once a fortnight, if that, sticking with chicken, fish, turkey and meat alternatives. I'm still as caffeine-free as possible, (YAY!)  meaning no more coffee, no Starbucks and no two-scoop, black coffee, mid-morning fixes, drinking only herbal teas and adding fresh lemon or orange to cold or hot water throughout the day. With regards to dairy, I pretty much ruled it out before the Teatox only drinking Almond and Soy Milk and as for everything else I am still on track.

I have really enjoyed this Teatox detox and would definitely recommend it to others. I think a lot of people use it for a quick fix before a special event which is great. But if you are looking to improve your diet and make it a lifestyle change this is an excellent way to ease yourself into it. For my ladies suffering with PCOS get onto this if not for your physical health then most definitely for your emotional health. I honestly believe that after weeks and weeks of feeling super-low this detox really did help me get myself in check and really lifted my mood, so much so even my workmates were commenting on how happy I was. I definitely got my groove back.

For anymore information please do not hesitate to get in contact or comment below and keep your eyes peeled for more of my experiments, recipes and all things health & beauty related.

Much love
Beanie x x

You can find out more about the Bootea teatox on their website

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